ABI 3500 / 3500XL

ABI 3500 / 3500XL

Description :
The Applied Biosystems 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzers is an automated 8 and/or 24 capillary instrument designed for a wide range of sequencing and fragment analysis applications. This is the standard capillary electrophoresis at the moment, replacing the 3130 and 3130XL.
The 3500 or 3500xL analyzer is shipped with the following system components:
• Capillary Electrophoresis instrument.
• 3500 (8-capillary) or 3500xL (24-capillary) array and polymer.
• DNA sequencing, or fragment analysis, reagents, and other consumables for system qualification.
• Dell® computer workstation with flat-screen monitor.
• Integrated software for instrument control, data collection, quality control, and basecalling or sizing of samples.
Improved data interpretation :
Reduced pull-up edits, improved first-pass success rate for database labs, more efficient data transfer to probabilistic genotyping.
Enhanced user experience :
Flexible plate loading, streamlined workflow, support languages, 6-dye installation standard.
IT support and compliance :
Windows 10 support, CODIS compatibility, internationalization.